And You Are

Well, I did a podcast thing with Greg Morris, and some of you may even have listened to it already—if not I highly recommend you add his fortnightly show to your listening software of choice. It’s just five shows in and I’m already looking forward to each one and the eclectic range of guests he’s talking to.

It was a delight to be asked and even more fun recording the show. Amongst his many other talents, Greg is a great host and the breadth of his interests makes it easy to talk about pretty much anything: We managed to cover Apple, UX, Design, Education, collecting things, the early days of the web, and a few other things.

Coincidentally, I’ve been surprised recently by the number of people who’ve quizzed me enthusiastically about those years in the 1990s when I was one of a group of people evangelising the emerging online spaces, and helping to connect artists, enterprises, and regular folk to the Internet. Perhaps it’s just a case of enough time having passed for another generation to get curious about how we got to this always-connected world with computers in our ears and on our wrists. I might write some more about this soon.